Monday, August 27, 2007

Noah's Birthday Complete!

I posted the soccer birthday invitation earlier in August. Now I've got the favor notebook and thank you to share with you. Again - I've used the retired set Sporting Goods, but the "Thank You" and the alphabet set are from current sets - Much Appreciated & Short Order Alphabet. The favors are 70 page spiral notebooks - 10 cents each!!! Add less than a dollar in card stock - and stamp and personalize with each guests name - voila! Fun birthday favors. The thank you design I CASE'd from SCS just like the invitation - only they were designed by two different people. And the crowning glory of the party - THE CAKE!! I made this cake using the Wilton Sports Ball Cake Pan Set, then hand decorated the soccer ball design. Noah's favorite part, besides the colors, double frosting! (The cake was frosted first in white, then filled in with the second layer of colored "stars" to make the design.) It was YUMMY! Homemade parties, cakes, invites, thank yous and favors - will always have the "edge" no matter how nice the store-bought looks.

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