Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Our Little Butterflies

This beautiful poem and handmade bookmark were gifts from a fellow demonstrator Elizabeth in honor of our two miscarriages in 2007. Elizabeth had a friend who experienced the same thing for the first time last year - and out of her pain and sorrow came this new ministry -
Jewels of Hope.

I received this gift during the first week of Easter, and as is God's wondrous plan - I received it on a day I was feeling my own sorrow remembering our own first miscarriage at Easter Triduum 2007, as well as for a lifelong best friend who has experienced 4 consecutive losses in the last two years. God's perfect timing - a Holy Spirit moment I call it.

Thank You Elizabeth and THANK YOU Jewels of Hope for understanding what suffering is truly meant for - not something to be shunned and avoided, but something to be embraced and turned into service to our Lord.


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